Photo of Brenda Romero from the shoulders up, looking over the top edge of her glasses and smiling.

Brenda Romero

BAFTA Award winner, Fulbright recipient @ Brenda.Games

Brenda Romero is a BAFTA award-winning game designer, artist and Fulbright recipient who entered the game industry in 1981. She has worked on over 50 games, including seminal titles in the Wizardry, Ghost Recon and Dungeons & Dragons franchises. Away from the machine, her analog series of games, The Mechanic is the Message, has drawn national and international acclaim. Most recently, in 2018, she received a Lifetime Achievement Award (the Bizkaia award) at the Fun and Serious Games Festival in Bilbao, Spain, and the inaugural Grace Hopper Award presented by Science Foundation Ireland at the Women in Tech conference.
